Now is the time to think about planting spring flowering bulbs. It feels weird planning for 2024 but if you want a beautiful and cost-effective display, now is the time to prepare. We have an extensive range of spring flowering bulbs which include Daffodils...
Seasonal Advice
What to plant in March
March is a great time to get planting! March is slowly starting to warm up and the days are getting longer which makes it the perfect time to start getting out into the garden. The garden centre has been a hive of activity the last couple of weeks. We have been...
Stop the Squirrels
After spending money, time and effort, the last thing you want is squirrels digging up your bulbs. In order to stop the squirrels you will need to implement a few different tactics at the same time. If squirrels have been a major problem in the past it would be worth...
July in the garden
July is all about maintaining existing plants in the garden and filling in the gaps with flowers that will last through the summer. Echinaceas, Geums, Roses, and Rudbeckia are ideal for this. Jobs for July in the garden consist of keeping plants well watered, Dead...
Hellebore Collection
We now have a hellebore collection in stock and they are starting to bloom. Helleborus are an essential plant for for providing beautiful blooms in the garden when little else is happening in the winter months. They then provide the garden with attractive evergreen...
May Planting
May is the perfect time of year to get planting! We have so many great plants in stock and looking fab. May is the time to start planting veg seedlings, perennials, summer bedding plants as well as getting the pond fresh. Vegetable seedlings are now in stock and can...
Brighten Up Your Garden
Autumn is a beautiful time of the year and probably our favourite season in the garden. Autumn for me is the time to take stock of my garden. How many plants did well or didn’t? What needs more support next year? Maybe change the angle on the path a little bit to help...