Herbs, Fruits, & Vegetables

Herbs, fruits & vegetables

Growing your own Herbs, Fruits, and Vegetables is the ultimate joy for avid gardeners. Nurturing seedlings or young plants to maturity and being able to eat the rewards with friends and family is fantastic.


The Secret Garden Centre carries a large selection of herbs throughout the year. Herbs such as Fennel, Marjoram, Mint, Oregano, Rosemary, Sage, and Thyme are available most of the time. More interesting herbs such as Angelica, Basil, Coriander, Dill, Lovage, Lemon grass, Lemon Verbena, Pineapple Sage, and more are generally available from late spring into late summer.

The majority of our herbs are grown by Pepepperpot herbs. A family-run herb grower based in the South Downs National park.

For more info on growing herbs, Visit the RHS.

herbs, fruits and vegetables


Chives are part of the onion family. The produce onion flavoured, thin, strappy leaves and pink / lilac flowers. Both the leaves and flowers can be added to salads.

  • Grow in full sun or light shade.
  • Grow in the border or in containers.
  • Harvest regularly for tender leaves.
  • Grows to 30cm tall and wide.
  • Water and dead-head frequently.
herbs, fruits and vegetables

Lemon Verbena

Lemon Verbena is a tender herb with deliciously aromatic foliage and pink flowers.

  • Best grown in full sun.
  • Grow in a shelterd spot in the garden or in a patio pot.
  • Provide winter protection by wrapping it in fleece or moving it into a greenhouse.
  • The leaves can be made into a delicious tea, sorbet, or add to fruit salads.
  • Grows to around 1.5m in two years.
herbs, fruits and vegetables


You will often find Garden Mint, Morrocan Mint, Lemon Mint, Chocolate Mint, and many more.

  • Grow mint in a bright or lightly shaded spot.
  • Best grown in patio pots. If planted into the border, mint will spread quickly.
  • Fresh mint has many uses. Try Garden Mint with peas, Morrocan Mint for tea, and chocolate Mint with fruit salad.
herbs, fruita and vegetables


Rosemary is the king of herbs. A staple herb in most English homes. Easy to grow and versatile. It can be planted in a herb border, Patio pots, or even as a hedge.

  • Grow in full sun, in well-drained soil.
  • Lightly prune at the end of summer to keep it in shape.
  • Rosemary goes well with lamb and roast potatoes but it can also be added to cakes and cocktails.
  • Pretty blue flowers in the summer.
herbs, fruits and vegetables


If Rosemary is the king of herbs, Lavender has to be the queen. Wonderfully fragrant foliage and flowers. No English garden is complete without a Lavender plant or two.

  • Grow in full sun in well-drained soil
  • Lavender is mostly used as an ornamental herb to provide colour and scent to the garden.
  • Lavender grows well in patio pots or in a well-drained border.
  • The flowers can be added to cakes.
  • English varieties tend to be better suited to our gardens. A selection of French Lavender can be found in the summer months but will require winter protection.


A selection of soft fruit bushes and fruit trees can be found throughout the year at The Secret Garden Centre. The selection of fruit trees is at its fullest in the late autumn and through the winter. You can typically find Apples, Cherries, Figs, Pears and Plum trees. Blueberries, Currants (white, black, and red), Blackberries, Grape Vine, Raspberries, and Rhubarb are generally available throughout the year.

herbs, fruits and vegetables


Blueberries are highly nutritious and high in antioxidants. Easy to grow and they produce attractive flowers.

  • Grow in full sun or part shade.
  • Grow in ericaceous compost.
  • Grow two varieties, close together for better cropping.
  • Water with rainwater where possible and feed with an ericaceous fertiliser.
  • Grow in patio pots or in the border.
  • Most varieties will grow to around 1m tall.
  • Look out for varieties such as ‘Pink Lemonade’ (pink fruits), ‘Jersey’, ‘Blue crop’, ‘Chandler’ and ‘Patriot’.


herbs, fruits and vegetables


Raspberries are one of the most popular fruits to grow in the garden. They are easy to grow and need very little maintenance. Sweet and juicy fruits either in the summer or the autumn. Raspberries are usually sold with 5 or 10 plants in a pot and will need to be separated for planting.

  • Grow in a sunny or lightly shaded spot in the garden.
  • Keep well watered.
  • Provide each plant with a growing support such as a bamboo cane.
  • Try to have a mix of summer and autumn fruiting plants to extend your fruiting season.
  • Varieties such as Glen Ample, Autumn Surprise, and Autumn Bliss are popular.
  • Bare-root canes can be purchased and planted in the autumn.
herbs, fruits and vegetables


Nothing is more English than a Rhubarb crumble and tastes even better when the Rhubarb is home-grown.

  • Easy to grow in full sun or a lightly shaded spot.
  • Best grown in the border.
  • Do not harvest your Rhubarb for the first year of growth. Leave them to establish a good root system.
  • Prepare the soil with manure before planting.
  • Mulch around the Rhubarb crown in the autumn.
  • Varieties such as Victoria, Champaign, and Glaskins Perpetual can often be found at The Secret Garden Centre.
herbs, fruits and vegetables

Grape Vines

Grapes are a lovely addition to the garden. They provide good coverage of walls, fences, and arbors. Many varieties are fully hardy and will produce delicious fruits.

  • Best grown in a sunny, open spot with something to climb on for support.
  • Grow grape vines in large patio pots or in the ground. Large patio pots can be found here.
  • Prune during the winter.
  • Mulch with manure in the winter and feed with bonemeal or Q4 in the spring.
herbs, fruits and vegetables


Strawberry plants can be found most of the year at The Secret Graden Centre. They are easy to grow and a fun project to do with children.

  • Grow in a sunny spot.
  • Grow in the border, patio pots, window boxes, and even hanging baskets.
  • Mulch with Stulch to prevent slug damage.


Veg seeds

Vegetable seeds can be found at The Secret Garden Centre throughout the year. Th extensive range includes Aubergines, Beetroot, Cabbage, Courgettes, Cucumbers, Kale, Spring Onions, Okra, and Spinach.

Our preferred suppliers of seeds are Suttons and Franchi seeds of Italy.

Veg Seedlings

Vegetable seedlings are available at The Secret Garden Centre from late March until early June depending on the weather and demand. You will typically find Broccoli, Cabbage, Kale, Khol rabbi, Chard, Cauliflower, Raddish, Peas, Runner beans, French Climbing beans,and Broad beans in strips of multiple seedlings. Tomatoes, Chilis, Aubergine, Cucumbers, Courgettes, Squash, and pumpkin are available in pots of single seedlings.

herbs, fruits & vegetables

Dynamite Chilis

The Dynamite Chili range can be found at The Secret Garden Centre from April until late May. These chilis are available in  1L pots. The range includes spicy hot chilis like Trinidad scorpion, Scotch bonnet, Hot Thai, and Fire basket.

Herbs, fruits and vegetable

Grafted Tomatoes

Grafted veg is available at The Secret Garden Centre from April until late May. Grafted veg give stronger plants with more disease resistance and higher yields. You will typically find a selection of tomatoes such as Gardeners delight, Shirley, Beef master, Sun gold, Vanessa, and Maestro.

Other Veg

Onion, Shallots, and Garlic sets are available from September and should be planted before November. Broad beans can also be planted before winter.

Seed Potatoes will be available in January and February. They will need chitting and planting by around March.