Seasonal Advice

Bare-Root Wallflowers

Bare-Root Wallflowers

Bare-root Wallflowers are available to buy at The Secret Garden Centre from 20/09/24 until the end of the month. These Wall flowers are only available to buy in store for a limited time only. We can not send them out in the post.Growing bare-root Wallflowers Our Bare-...

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Heuchera Collection

Heuchera Collection

A full and varied Heuchera collection is now in stock. Heucheras are one of the easiest and hardiest of the perennials that can create a colourful display all year long. Heuchera look particularly good in the Autumn and Spring. They grow almost anywhere with very...

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Spring Flowering Bulbs

Spring Flowering Bulbs

Yes, now is the time to start thinking about spring and which spring flowering bulbs you want in the garden. Bulbs are now in stock and even more are due to arrive shortly. Get them planted before November to ensure your garden looks perfect in the spring. We have...

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August Bank Holiday

August Bank Holiday

Yes, The Secret Garden Centre will be open for the August Bank Holiday. We will have a large selection of herbaceous perennials, bedding plants, and shrubs to give your garden a boost of colour for late-summer.August Bank Holiday (26/08/24) We are open! 10am - 5pm...

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Potatoes for summer planting

Potatoes for summer planting

Most vegetables have been planted and you are now harvesting. Gaps in the vegetable beds will start to appear but fret not! There are still vegetables that you can sow and plant. Potatoes for summer planting is one such veg. Plant these potatoes over the next few...

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