We now have a hellebore collection in stock and they are starting to bloom. Helleborus are an essential plant for for providing beautiful blooms in the garden when little else is happening in the winter months. They then provide the garden with attractive evergreen foliage throughout the year.

Hellebore with double purple flowers

Helleborus ‘Double Ellen Red’

We have a hellebore collection which can all be used within different garden designs. Hellebore argutifolia and feotidus look fantastic in a tropical garden where as the niger looks great in a more cottage style garden. Each species also has different foliage attribute which carry on the interest. Hellebores can be planted along with winter flowering shrubs and perennials. – https://www.rhs.org.uk/plants/articles/graham-rice/shrubs-and-climbers/10-agm-winter-flowering-shrubs

Hellebores for sale:

October Hellebore collection

How to grow and care for Hellebore:

Hellebores are best grown in well-drained and fertile soils. Helleborus can grow in pots or in the border. They are ideal for growing in sun or partial shade and grow well at the base of trees and shrub. Cut back the larger leathery leaves to expose the flowers in the winter. They do not respond well to being dug up once established. Mulch around the base of the Hellebore with manure or mulch in October or November. Hellebores can be planted anytime but are more commonly available from October to December. Fancy growing some other evergreen perennials? – https://slohis.com/contact-us/perennials/

Why are Hellebore expensive?

Yes, Hellebores do tend to cost more than the average perennial. But they have taken a lot more time and expense to grow. Firstly, if grown by seed, it takes many years of growing on before the plant will reach a marketable size and flowering age. The flowers of Helleborus plant grown by seed can vary greatly from its parent plant. Secondly, several named varieties of Hellebores are propagated by cloning, which ensures an exact replication of the parent plant resulting in the flowers looking exactly like the parents. Almost all cultivars of Hellebore are now grown in this way. The downside to this is the seeds produced from the flowers are almost always sterile. Cloning plants in this way is time consuming and expensive. And finally, with ever growing popularity of these flowers, many named forms and new hybrids are patented, and this also adds to the cost of producing such a wonderful plant. Growers must pay a licencing fee and Royalties to the original hybridizer in order to reproduce the plants. But in all, Hellebores are worth their weight in gold.

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