

Perennials are versatile plants that fill the gaps between trees and shrubs. They fill the border with colour, texture, and scent throughout the year and are an important food source for wildlife.

Perennials for the Shade

We have an entire area dedicated to shade-loving perennials. This selection is vast and varied throughout the year. Plants such as Alchemilla, Bergenias, Brunnera, Ferns, Heuchera, Hostas, and Rodgersia are all large-leaved perennials that add texture, and colour to the shady border.

Perennial Ferns


Ferns are the perfect perennials for shaded spots. Easy to care for and trouble-free. They can be planted directly into a border or planted into patio pots. Asplenium, Blechnum, Crytomium, Drypoteris, Polypodium, and Polystichum are regularly in stock.

Perennial hellebores


Hellebores are evergreen perennials that flower from autumn into late Winter depending on the variety.  They are perfect for planting in woodland designs in dappled shade or brighter spots. Hellebores are available at The Secret Garden Centre from October until February. 

Brunnera flowers


Brunnera are clump-forming perennials that are well-suited to shadier spots. The silvery foliage will brighten the darkest corners of the garden. Forget-me-knot like flowers in the spring.

Pink anemone


Anemone bring masses of flowers from late summer into the autumn. White or Pink open flowers are attractive to bees and other pollinators. Varieties such as Honrine Jobert, Queen Charlotte, and Whirlwind can be found in The Secret Garden Centre from around late June.

Heuchera flowers


Heuchera are evergreen perennials that can be found throughout the year. There are many different varieties with different foliage colours. Deep purples, bright red, rusty orange, and lime greens. They also produce small white or pink flowers. These hardy perennials are mostly trouble-free.

Perennials for Ground Cover

Many perennials have a carpeting growth habit that Is ideal for covering large areas of the garden. Ground-covering perennials will help prevent seeds from weeds germinating and taking over. These plants are easy to grow and low maintenance. Pachysandra terminalis, Vinca minor, Lamium maculaltum, Gallium odoratum, and Ajuga reptens are good ground-cover options.

Ground cover perennial
ground cover perennials
ground cover perennials

Perennials for sun

We have over fifty varieties of herbaceous perennials for growing in a sunny spot. The selection changes depending on the season but is at its fullest in the spring and summer. We carefully choose the best herbaceous perennials for the season to give you the best choices.



Achillea aka Yarrow is a clump-forming perennial for a sunbathed spot at the front of the border. The flowers stand proud above the green/grey, feather-like foliage. They are available in a range of colours and are loved by pollinators and butterflies.

Perennial Delphiniums


Delphiniums are summer flowering perennials that form tall flower spikes. They come in shades of white, blue, purple, and pink. They are easy to grow in a sunny spot. Tall growing varieties may need a stick for support. Delphiniums can be found at The Secret Garden Centre most of the year.



Geums are hardy perennials that can be found at the garden centre most of the year. They form mounds of thick foliage and the flowers tower above. Geums reliably flower from early summer through to the autumn. They are available in shades of yellow, orange, and red. We frequently stock Geum ‘Totally Tangerine’, ‘Mrs Bradshaw’, and ‘Lady Stratheden’.



Commonly known as red hot pokers, these hardy perennials look quite tropical. Strappy foliage forms low mounds and the poker-like flowers tower above. Each large flower is formed of many small flowers. They are easy to grow in a sunny spot in poor soil. Loved by bees.



Nepeta is an aromatic perennial with grey/green foliage and masses of blue or lavender coloured flowers. It is loved by bees and cats. Plant Nepeta close to a sunny pathway to enjoy the aroma as you walk past.




There are hundreds of varieties of Salvias, and they all look quite different. The Secret Garden Centre stocks a wide selection of salvias from late May until around September. Salvia ‘Hotlips’, ‘Royal Bumble’, ‘Cherry Lips’, ‘Amethyst lips’, ‘Caradonna’, ‘Amistad’, ‘Love and Wishes’, and ‘Wendys Wish’ are just a few varieties we stock. Most varieties begin to flower in May and will continue to do so through to October / November.

Grasses and Bamboo

Grasses and bamboo are available at the Secret Garden Centre year-round, but the selection is at its fullest from late spring through to early autumn. You can typically find varieties of Carex, Deschamsia, Panicum, Pennisetum, Hakonechloa, Stipa, and Miscanthus. As for bamboo, we regularly have Fargesia ‘rufa’, Fargesia ‘Red Panda’, Phyllostachys ‘Aurea’, and Phyllostachys ‘Nigra’.

Perennial grasses
perennial grasses

Pond Plants

We stock pond plants from May until around the end of August, depending on availability and demand. Marginal plants, Oxygenators, and Water Lilies can all be found near the Acers in the garden centre. The majority of pond plants that we stock are native varieties and they are grown in the U.K.

We also stock Aquatic soil, Barley straw, and Netted pond pots.

For tips on creating a wildlife pond.

prennial pond plants

Pigmy Water Lilies

These dwarf water Lilies are ideal for growing in half barrels on the patio or small ponds. Star-shaped flowers apear from June – September. They spread from 30cm – 50cm wide and cast shade on the surface of the pond which will help to prevent algea. We stock a range of of pigmy water lilies often with white, yellow, pink or red flowers.

perennial marginal plants

Marginal Plants

We stock a good selection of plants which can sit on the shelves around the pond. They just need the pot to sit just under the water. You can typical find Mimulus, Water Mint, Water Forget-Me-Knots, Houtynnia, Caltha palustris, and Geum revale.

Perennials for ponds

Pond Oxygenators

Oxygenating plants should be completely submerged. They add oxygen to the pond and help to keep the water clear. We stock oxygenating plants that are potted in aquatic compost or bunches of oxgentaors that have a weight tied around them so that you can just pop them in the pond as they are and they will stink to the bottom.


Pond Floaters

Floating pond plants do not require soil or a pot to grow in. They simply float on the surface of the pond. They are great for  shading the surface of the pond and reducing algea. They also provide hiding spots for fish or frogs. These plants do not survive the winter and will need replacing each spring.