Trees and Shrubs are the backbone of any garden design. They provide shape, structure, and colour, to the garden all year round. The Secret Garden Centre has an excellent selection of trees and shrubs throughout the year.
Trees and Shrubs for Wildlife
The Secret Garden Centre has a selection of trees and shrubs that are well suited to smaller gardens and good support for the local wildlife. Trees and shrubs offer safe nesting spots, cover from predators, food for birds, and flowers for bees and pollinators.

Hawthorns are small to medium trees that are ideal for small gardens. They are well-known for their profusion of pink or white blooms in the spring. The flowers are highly attractive to bees and pollinators. Red-Orange berries in the winter are a vital food source for birds. Crataegus ‘Pauls Scarlet’ is particularly pretty.

Known as the butterfly bush. Buddleja are one of the best shrubs you could grow for butterflies, bees, and pollinators. Most varieties will grow to around 3m tall but newer varieties such as Buddleja davidii buzz series are small and ideal for growing in containers.

Sorbus aka Rowan tree is broadly conical in shape. They grow to around 4m tall and have deep green pinate leaves. These deciduous trees have clusters of white or pink flowers in the spring that are loved by bees and pollinators. Red, Yellow, Orange, or Pink berries in the early autumn before a flush of colourful autumn leaves.

Ceanothus are large-growing or ground-covering shrubs. They are evergreen and flower in the spring or summer depending on variety. Their deep blue blooms are rich in nectar that makes them irresistible to bees and pollinators.

Ornamental Cherry Trees
Ornamental Cherries are one of the best trees you could grow. Attractive bark, beautiful blossom, and the fruitis good for wildlife. We stock many varieties of Cherry trees. Prunus ‘Autumnalis’, Prunus ‘Kanzan’, and Prunus serrula are a few of our favourites.
Trees and Shrubs for Spring and Autumn
The Secret Garden Centre has a wide selection of trees and shrubs that will give colourful displays in the garden in the spring and autumn. The foliage of many trees and shrubs can provide an exciting flash of colour to the garden that can be more impressive than flowers.

Liquidambar ‘Slender Silhouette’
This is a tall but narrow growing tree with maple-like leaves. The flowers are not noticeable but they produce an interesting prickly fruit. The leaves of Liquidambar change from green to shades of purple, red, orange, and yellow for an impressive display before dropping for the winter.

Cornus or Dogwood provide interest in the garden throughout the year. In spring, they sprout bright yellow/green foliage. Clusters of bee-friendly white flowers for the summer, red/orange autumn foliage, and brightly coloured stems during the winter. What’s not to love?

Japanese Maples
Japanese Maples or Acers are available in a rainbow of colors, shapes, and sizes. They are relatively short-growing trees that are best grown in a sheltered spot out of the wind. A flash of spring colour on the new growth in the spring and then a blaze of colour for the autumn. Varieties such as ‘Jerry Swartz’, ‘Pink Princess’, ‘Bloodgood’, ‘Trompenburg’, and ‘shin-de-shojo’ can be found most of the year at The Secret Garden Centre.

Ginkgo Biloba
Ginkgo also known as the maidenhair tree has unusual shaped leaves with two lobes. Ginkgo tend to be narrow but tall trees. They are perfect for growing in high-pollution areas. The leaves are a mid-green colour through the year but when the air starts to chill in the autumn the leaves change to golden yellow.
Planting Trees and Shrubs
The Secret Garden Centre stocks everything needed to give your trees and shrubs the best start. Digging spades, tree stakes, soil, rootgrow, fertiliser, and more.
Soil, compost, and mulch for planting trees and shrubs can be found here.
The RHS has a great tree and shrub planting guide here