Now is the time to think about planting spring flowering bulbs. It feels weird planning for 2024 but if you want a beautiful and cost-effective display, now is the time to prepare. We have an extensive range of spring flowering bulbs which include Daffodils (Narcissus), Tulips, Alliums, Crocus and so much more.
Spring flowering bulbs are ideal for filling in large herbaceous borders as well as filling up garden containers and window boxes. Bulbs take very little care.
Plant, Water & Wait!

Tulip Mix Moonlight Duet
Daffodils aka Narcissus
Daffodils are the ideal spring flowering bulbs. They come in a huge range of flower shapes, heights, and colours. Easy to grow in pots or the border in sun or shade. Tall varieties with large flowers down to small alpine species which grow to just 15cm tall.
Daffodil 'British Gamble'
Daffodil 'Tahiti'
Daffodil 'Dutch Master'
Daffodil 'Pheasants Eye'
Daffodil 'Yazz'
Daffodil ‘British Gamble’ has large flowers with pure white outer petals and pastel pink / peach inner trumpet. ‘British Gamble’ has large blooms on top of sturdy stems which reach 45cm. Hardy and reliable. Great for growing in the border, in pots and even in window boxes.
Tulips are a joy in the garden. They are later flowering than most daffodils so can be planted in a layered pot for an extended show of blooms. Tulips are by far the most popular of the spring bulbs so you will find that we have an extensive selection of colours, sizes, and flower shapes.

Layered bulb pot