Roses and Climbers are long-lived and provide the garden with many beautiful flowers for years to come. They can be grown in containers, on the border, and up fences. You will find a large selection of roses at The Secret Garden Centre throughout the year.
Roses are easier to grow than you might think. With a little care they can give you so much joy. Roses come in many forms. Patio rose, Climbing roses, carpeting roses, and more. Roses and Climbers go hand in hand and always look great planted together. The Secret Garden Centre only stocks U.K grown roses.
We also carry a large selection of trees and shrubs. Check them out here

David Austin Roses
David Austin roses have large blooms with many petals. Almost all of the varieties have an amazing scent and good disease resistance. The Secret Garden Centre carries a wide selection of shrub roses and climbing roses that are ideal for growing in the border or in patio containers. You can expect to find varieties such as ‘Gabriel Oak’, ‘Gertrude Jekyll’, ‘Olivea Rse Austin’, ‘Roald Dhal’, and ‘Lady of Shallot’.

Peter Beales Roses
The Secret Garden Centre is a stockist of Peter Beales roses. These roses are available most of the year but you will find the largest range from May – August. Peter Beales are renowned for their selection of shrub rose, Hybrid teas, Floribundas, Climbers, and Ramblers.

Carpet roses
Carpet roses are wider then they are tall so this makes them perfect for covering the bare soil between other plants. The flowers on carpet roses tend to be smaller than the flowers of patio roses but they tend to be more prolific. They will repeat flower through the summer months.
Climbing plants are ideal for hiding unsightly walls and fences. Some varieties can also be grown up arches, or obelisques. Climbing plants are perfect for planting directly in the ground and some varieties will work in containers. Passion flowers, Jasmine, Clematis, Honeysuckle, Climbing Hydrangeas, and Solanum are available at The Secret Garden Centre most of the year.
For more info on planting clematis click here

The Secret Garden Centre has over 30 different varieties of clematis in our climbing plant section. There is a clematis for everyone and most growing situations. Raymond Evison clematis are dwarf climbers and are ideal for growing in patio pots or up a small obelisk in the middle of the border. Clematis montanas have small but numerous blooms and can grow to over 15ft tall making them ideal for cover walls and fence pannels. Clematis ‘Armandii’ are evergreen and slender growing which makes them perfect for growing up and around the front door.

Evergreen, deciduous, pink, white, and even yellow. Jasmines are very versatile. Jasmines are particularly popular for adding a sweet smell to the garden. Trachelospermum Jasminoides is one of the most popular of the Jasmine types that we stock and for good reason. Trachelospermums are evergreen climbers that have sweet-scented blossoms in the summer and glossy green leaves turn flame-red in the autumn. They are low maintenance and drought tolerant.

Lonicera also known as Honeysuckle is a beautifully scented climber which is ideal for climbing up a trellis against walls, fences, and sheds. Sweetly scented, these climbers are fantastic for attracting pollinating wildlife to the garden. Ruby red berries appear after the flowers which are popular with black birds. They work perfectly in a cottage garden design but can equally fit well into a tropical garden scheme. They thrive in full sun and part shade.

Climbing Hydrangeas
Hydrangea anomala sub. Petolaris is slow growing to start but once settled it can be quite vigerous. They are perfect for planting against an east or west facing wall. Deciduous. Large white blooms from early summer.
Hydrangea seemannii is an evergreen climbing hydrangea which is also great for shady spots in the garden. They are not the fastest of growers but they will provide good coverage all year.

The potato vine is a hardy climber with semi-evergreen foliage and clusters of star shaped flowers that are either lilac or white from late summer. Solanums are perect for growing in the ground or in containers in a sunny spot either up a fence or against trellis near the front door.