After spending money, time and effort, the last thing you want is squirrels digging up your bulbs. In order to stop the squirrels you will need to implement a few different tactics at the same time. If squirrels have been a major problem in the past it would be worth avoiding tulip bulbs and crocuses, as these seem to be their favourite snacks. Daffodils, Hyacinths and Alliums seem to be less attractive to them.

stop the squirrels

How to stop the squirrels

Soak your bulbs

Squirrels do not like the taste of Quinin or Garlic. Soak your bulbs overnight in either Indian Tonic water (Check the label to ensure that it contains Quinin and not just flavourings) Or soak your bulbs in a garlic water solution. This will help stop the squirrel from eating your bulbs. Many recipes for garlic wash can be found online. Here is a recipe –

Wire mesh to stop the squirrels

Placing panels of wire mesh or chicken wire over planted bulb beds adding weight to hold it down, with bricks or pots. For patio pots and containers, cut the mesh to size and pin down with wire. Once the bulbs start to appear the mesh can be removed. This is probably the best way to completely stop the squirrels.

Stop the sqirrels with mesh

Chilli powder to stop the squirrels

Squirrels hate chilli. Just like us, they have taste buds and chilli can make them uncomfortable. Sprinkle hot chilli powder and or chilli flakes around your bed and pots. You can also mix the chilli powder with water in a watering can and spray over an area for easy application. You may find premixed solutions of chilli pest deterrents online or in your local hardware shop. Chilli powder will make them uncomfortable but will not hurt them.

Stop the squirrels with chilli powers

Bulbs in stock now –

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