Bird Care

Bird care

With a whopping 374 bird species recorded in London, it is no wonder we enjoy watching them. Feeding the birds in your garden is a pastime that is great for your mental health and benefits your garden health too.

Bird Feed

We stock a good selection of bird feed for all the garden birds that you will typically find in urban gardens. Most mixes are available in a few different-sized bags. 12.5kg Bulk bags are available from £18.99.

Peanut feeder


Peanuts are the prefect feed for attracting Blue Tits, Great Tits, Coal Tits, Siskins, Nuthatch, and Great Spotted Woodpeckers. Peanuts should be put in a mesh birdfeeder. Never leave them loose on the ground or on a birdtable as they can be a choking hazard for fledglings.


bird care

Nyjer Seed

Nyger seed is irresistible to Finches, Tits, and Siskins. Nyjer seeds are very thin so you will need a seed feeder specific to Nyjer seed.

Bird care sunflower seeds

Sunflower Seed

Sunflower seed is an excellent all-rounder bird food. Birds such as Coal Tits, Blue Tits, Greenfinches, Gold Finches, Robins, Blackbirds, and Chaffinches love sunflower seeds.

We also stock sunflower hearts. These are sunflower seeds that have had the husks removed. This reduces the mess left behind by the birds and stops the seeds germinating in your garden.

bird seed

Blended Seed Mixes

We stock a selection of different seed mixes. Our basic seed mix. This mix is ideal for Robins, Tits, Finches, and House Sparrow. You will also find mixes that have been formulated to attract specific birds. Robin seed blend and Blue Tit blend are available. We also carry No Mess seed blend. The husks of the seeds have been removed. This reduces the mess left behind by the birds and stops the seeds from germinating in your garden.

bird care

Suet Fat Snax

These suet balls are an easy option for feeding garden birds. They can be placed in a feeder or on a dish on the ground. These balls are made from a mixture of suet, cereal, and mixed seed. Ideal for feeding Robins, Blackbirds, and Blue Tits.

Bird care

Suet Feast Blocks

These blocks of suet can either be placed in a feeder, placed on a saucer, or bird table. These blocks are made with different mixes. Seed & mealworm, Peanut, and Berry.

Bird care Mealworms

Dried Meal Worms

Rich in protein, Mealworms are loved by most birds. Mealworms are a welcome addition to the normal seed mixes in the spring as they are perfect for parent birds to feed their young. Dried mealworms can be added to peanut feeders, seed feeders, ground saucers, and bird tables.

Bird care feeders

The Nuttery Seed Feeder

The Nuttery seed feeder has a clear, plastic tube in the centre that holds seeds of different sizes. This feeder is ideal for sunflower seeds, hearts, and various seed mixes. The outer steel cage allows access for small birds but prevents squirrels and pigeons from reaching the seeds. This feeder is available in a small and large size.

Peanut feeder

The Nuttery Peanut Feeder

The Nuttery peanut feeder has a mesh tube in the centre which holds peanuts. The outer steel cage allows access for small birds but prevents squirrels and pigeons from reaching the peanuts. This feeder is available in a small and large size.


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