Bedding plant season is here!
Now is the perfect time to plant hanging baskets, window boxes, and patio pots. With a little care, your containers will look fabulous for many months.

Zonal Geraniums & Ivy leaf Geraniums
Upright Geraniums (Zonal pelargoniums) and Trailing Geraniums (Ivy leaf Pelargoniums) are probably the most popular bedding plants for growing in containers. They happily flower from mid-spring until late autumn. They are drought-tolerant and hardy, they will even come back the following year if given some winter protection. Deadhead regularly and a drop of fertiliser once a month.
Upright Geraniums are great to plant in hanging baskets, window boxes, and patio pots in a sunny spot. Trailing Geraniums are better suited to hanging baskets, and window boxes where they can trail down.
10cm pots £2.99 each Any 4 for £10.
Jumbo plant tray of 6 for just £9.99.
Calabrichoa, Surfinias, and Petunias
Calabrichoa, Surfinias, and Petunias come in various colours and varieties. Calabrichoas were once known as ‘Million Bells’. They have small trumpet-shaped flowers and cascade down any garden container. Surfinias also trail down containers, but they have slightly larger-sized flowers. Calabrichoas and Surfinias are great plants for hanging baskets, window boxes, and patio pots.
Petunias form neat mounds of colour. They are better suited to growing at the front of the border or in patio pots and troughs.
Calabrichoas, Surfinias, and Petunias are best grown in a sunny spot or light shade. Water, deadhead, and feed regularly to keep them in good shape.
10cm pots £2.99 each Any 4 for £10.
Plug plant tray of 6 for just £4.99.

Begonias & Fuchsia
Begonias and Fuchsias make a great addition to any garden container. They are very versatile plants that can grow in the brightest spots but will bring a good splash of colour to the shady spots.
10cm pots £2.99 each Any 4 for £10.
Trailing foliage plants
Adding trailing foliage to hanging baskets and mixed containers will add good contrast and lighten up the colour of other flowers. Helichrysum, Ivy, and Lysamachia do this very well.
10cm pots £2.99 each Any 4 for £10.

Give your plants the best start
Sylvagrow peat-free multipurpose compost by Melcourt (50 litres £8.99) is the perfect growing medium for summer bedding plants in containers. Adding some water-retaining gel granules will help reduce the amount of watering needed in the hot summer months. Adding a slow-release fertiliser such as Miraclegrow slow release will keep your plants in bloom all season.
Check out our range of compost