Signs of Autumn in the garden are beginning to show. The foliage on many plants has started to change colour, summer flowers are fading, and the sun is lower in the sky. These warm days are making the garden a joy. Autumn in the garden is my personal favourite. You can get out there and enjoy the fruits of your labour without sweating buckets.

Autumn leaves

Now is the time to swap out your faded summer bedding plants from patio pots, window boxes and hanging baskets. Replacing them with Pansies, Violas, Cyclamen, Heathers and even young evergreen perennials like Ferns, Heuchera or Vincas. We have a good selection of small evergreen perennials which are £2.99 each or any 4 mixed for £10. Small pots of Cyclamen are £3.99 or 3 for £10. 6pack trays of Pansies and Violas £4.99 each or 2 trays for £8.

Japanese Anemones are a joy at this time of year. They are an easy perennial to grow in a sunny or partly shaded spot of the garden or even in a large pot. They are coming into flower now and will continue to bloom in the garden through late autumn. They look particularly nice when under planted with forget-me-nots and perennial Cyclamen.

Shrubs for autumn in the garden include Cornus aka dog wood. Their leaves change from green to yellow or even red and will reveal brightly coloured stems for the winter months. Cotinus has also begun to change colour and is looking particularly lovely. But if you are looking for shrubs which will retain their leaves you may wish to consider Nandina varieties which have dark green lower leaves which change to bright red closer to the top of the plant. Coprosma is also another great choice. They are low growing with small but thick and waxy leaves and come in a multitude of colours. They are ideal for growing in containers as well as the border.

Hellebores are starting to become available. The are ideal for planting in the garden in the autumn months. Depending on the variety you choose, they will flower between the autumn and late winter months.

Do not forget to plant you autumn flowering crocus now! Autumn is also the time to get spring flowering bulbs in the ground. Buy them now before we sell out.

Not sure what to do in the garden this month? Here is a few ideas

Mulch: Last winter caught many of us gardeners out. With temperatures dropping below 5 degrees for an extended time resulting in the loss of many shrubs and perennials. Be prepared this year. Mulching is proving to be ever more important. Spread chunky bark, composted bark, manure, mulched leaves and even homemade compost around your plants. Mulching will help insulate the roots of plants. Canna lilies, Roses, Camillias and even Hebes will benefit from this. Mulching now will also increase the water retention of the soil for next summer.

Remove saucers from pots: Patio pots really benefitted from having saucers during the heatwave. Now is the time to remove them and place your pots on pot feet. Removing the saucers will prevent water logging in damp weather. Placing the pots onto pot feet will help reduce the chance of your pots cracking in the frost.

Raking leaves: If you are aiming for a perfect lawn you must try to keep falling leaves off it. If leaves are left on the lawn, they block out sunlight and can rot parts of the grass which is why lawns end up patchy. It is a great opportunity to bag up the leaves in black bags and allow to break down over the winter. You can then spread the broken-down leaves as a mulch in the spring.


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