Spring Gardening

Spring gardening

Spring is a busy time in the garden. Many tasks are needed in the garden after a long and wet winter. With bulbs starting to shoot, trees in blossom, and the birds singing. Spring gardening is really a joy.

Spring gardening tasks:


The garden is probably quite moist at this time of year, but bear in mind that the foliage of leafy shrubs and plants act like an umbrella. Ensure that pots and the border are kept moist, especially near the base of the plant.


Spring is the start of the growing season so it’s the perfect time to begin fertilising plants. Feed evergreen and spring flowering shrubs such as Camellia, Peiris, and Azaleas. Sping flowering alpines need a drop of feed as well.


Plant summer flower tubers such as Dahias and Lilies. The mild and moist weather of spring is perfect for planting perennials, shrubs, and fruit bushes. You can now sow vegetable seeds and summer annuals.

Plant summer flowering bedding plants into the border, window boxes, patio pots, and hanging baskets.  The Secret Garden will be open every day including every Bank Holiday.

Plant seed Potatoes, Onions, and Shallots.


Prune back winter flowering plants such as Sarcocca, Hellebores, and Winter Jasmine. Roses benefit from being hard-pruned from March. This will encourage many new buds to form for lots of blooms.

Deadhead spring flowering bulbs, Perennials, and bedding plants to extend their flowering period.


You can now start mowing the lawn. Ensure you set the lawn mower blade on the highest setting to avoid scalping the lawn. Spring is also the perfect time for sowing a new lawn, repairing patches, and giving it a good feed.


Give your pond a good clean. Remove any debris and leaves. Add some new plants and keep an eye out for frog spawn.

Useful links for spring gardening

How to grow Dahlias.

Spring and Summer lawn care.

Perennials for planting in Spring.


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