Evergreen Ferns

Jan 12, 2024 | Currently in stock, Gardening News

Evergreen Ferns, the unsung hereos of any garden. Easy to grow in the most difficult parts of the garden. Ferns are gap fillers, green backdrops and added texture. They have the ability to show off other plants as well as look perfectly stunning all alone. Most evergreen ferns prefer a shady spot with moist soil although many of the evergreen ferns will cope with some more sun and even a drier spot.

We try to stock as many different varieties as possible of ferns all year long but the selection of evergreen ferns is always the best in January and February.

Here are a few of our favourites:

Asplenium scolopendium ‘Angustatum’ is a compact form of Asplenium fern with a ruffled edge to the leaf. Unlike other ferns, the Aspleniums do not have the typical heavy dissected leaf. Also known as the Harts tongue fern due to its long tongue shaped leaf. Waxy in texture with bright fresh green new growth. The harts tongue fern is probably one of the easiest and most versatile of the evergreen ferns you could grow. Ideal for growing at the base of trees, in pots or even grown as a house plant.

Blechnum spicant is an evergreen fern which is a British native with ladder like fronds. Young growth is bright green and erect but become darker and more horizontal as they mature. They grow well in the border but can also be found growing out of walls and dead tree stumps.

Evergreen ferns

Blechnum spicant

Cyrtomium fortunei clivicola is quite different in looks compared with other evergreen ferns. Brighter in colour, broad leaves and smooth in texture. These ferns beautifully contrast with more traditional ferns like Dryopteris or polystichums. Cyrtomiums are very robust and easy to look after.

Evergreen Fern

Cyrtomium fortunei


For more info on growing ferns-https://www.rhs.org.uk/plants/types/ferns/growing-guide

For other garden perennials – https://slohis.com/home/contact-us/perennials/


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