Premium Pot-Grown Christmas Trees (by Jadecliff)

All our potted Christmas Trees are actually pot-grown. This means they have been grown in their pots and retain their roots rather than having been grown in a field and dug up. This ensures that the tree will keep on growing for many years in the garden or on a balcony with very little care. We have a good selection of Norway Spruce, Blue Spruce and Nordman Firs. Grown by


All our potted Christmas Trees are actually pot-grown. This means they have been grown in their pots and retain their roots rather than having been grown in a field and dug up. This ensures that the tree will keep on growing for many years in the garden or on a balcony with very little care. We have a good selection of Norway Spruce, Blue Spruce and Nordman Firs. Grown by

Additional information


Nordmann Fir, Blue Spruce, Norwegian Spruce


40-60cm, 80-100cm, 100-125cm, 110-125cm, 125-150cm