Festive Plants for growing in the home

Nothing says Merry Christmas more than a Poinsettia. These festive plants are perfect for growing in the home or giving to friends and family over the festive season. Our British-grown Poinsettias are available in a range of sizes and colours.
Click here for the RHS growing guide.
1 Litre pot with 3/4 flower heads £7.99
1 Litre pot with 4/5 flower heads £8.99

Hyacinth Baskets
Baskets of Hyacinths are not only beautiful but also smell fantastic. Place your basket in a bright and cool spot in the home for weeks of interest. They make the perfect gift when visiting friends and family over the Christmas season and last a lot longer than a bunch of flowers. Pink, Blue, and White flowers.
3 bulb basket £9.99
5 bulb basket £14.99
7 bulb basket £19.99

Christmas Cacti
A plant not just for Christmas. These lovely succulents will flower over December but they make for a wonderful houseplant all year round. Easy to care for and drought tolerant.

Amaryllis Bulbs
Simply plant these bulbs into a pot using houseplant compost. Water once a week and watch it grow. The bigger the bulb, the bigger the plant. These unassuming bulbs turn into the most wonderful indoor plant for the winter.
from £12.99
Festive Plants for outdoor growing

Affectionately known as the Christmas rose, Hellebores are a joy in the winter months. These robust perennials are ideal for growing in the share or a bright spot in the border or containers. We have a large selection of hellebore in different colours and varieties.

Cyclamen are the ideal winter bedding plant to add colour to window boxes, patio pots, and even the front of the border. Available in shades of white, pink, and red.
11cm pots £3.99 each or 3 for £10
1 Litre pots £4.99 each or 3 for £12

Late-Winter flowering bulbs
Did you forget to plant your bulbs in the autumn? Never mind. We have a selection of bulbs already growing in pots. Crocus, Iris, Narcissus, Snowdrops, and more. Simply pot them up into large pots or directly into the border.
10.5cm pots £2.99 each or 4 for £12

Hardy Herbs
We carry a good selection of hardy and evergreen herbs for the winter. Rosemary, Thyme, Sage, and Bay leaf are perfect for your winter stews, soups, and roasts.
1 Litre pots £4.49 each or 3 for £12